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World Maths Day

World Maths Day

World Maths Day is an annual global event dedicated to promoting and celebrating mathematics. The event began in 2007, and it’s now celebrated by schools and students in more than 200 countries around the world.

The main focus of World Maths Day is to encourage students to engage with mathematics in a fun and exciting way. One of the main features of the event is a global math competition, where students from around the world compete against each other in real-time online math games. The competition is open to students of all ages and abilities, and it’s designed to be accessible and engaging for everyone.

In addition to the global math competition, World Maths Day also includes a range of other activities and resources designed to promote mathematics and improve numeracy skills. These may include math puzzles, quizzes, and other interactive games that help students to develop problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and logical reasoning.

Overall, World Maths Day is an important event that highlights the importance of mathematics in our lives and encourages students to develop a love of math that can benefit them throughout their education and beyond.

Event Information

}  March 08, 2023
  Wednesday, 01:10 am to 01:10 am
n  Fun Holidays, Education & Awareness, World Events

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