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Eat What You Want Day

Eat What You Want Day

“National Eat What You Want Day” is an unofficial holiday celebrated annually on May 11th. It’s a day when people are encouraged to indulge in their favourite foods and forget about their diets or restrictions.

The purpose of the day is to celebrate food, enjoy your favourite meals without feeling guilty or judged, and to break free from the restrictions that people often place on themselves. The day is all about having fun with food and enjoying the simple pleasures in life.

Celebrating Eat What You Want Day can be as simple as going out to your favourite restaurant or cooking a meal that you’ve been craving for a long time. Some people choose to host a potluck or cookout with friends, while others indulge in their favourite snacks and treats.

It’s important to note that while it’s okay to indulge on this day, it’s still important to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle overall. Moderation is key, and enjoying your favourite foods in moderation can be a healthy way to celebrate Eat What You Want Day!

Event Information

}  May 11, 2024
  Saturday, 03:53 pm to 03:53 pm
n  Fun Holidays, Food

Event Organizer

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