Harriet Tubman Day is an American holiday celebrated on March 10th every year to honour the life and legacy of Harriet Tubman, an African American woman who was born into slavery in Maryland in the early 1820s.
Tubman escaped from slavery in 1849 and subsequently became a leading abolitionist, humanitarian, and activist in the 19th century. She is best known for her role as a “conductor” on the Underground Railroad, a network of secret routes and safe houses used by enslaved African Americans to escape to freedom in the North or Canada. Tubman made numerous trips back to the South to help others escape, and is believed to have led over 300 slaves to freedom.
Tubman also served as a nurse, cook, and spy during the American Civil War, and worked tirelessly for women’s suffrage and other causes after the war. She is widely recognized as one of the most important and influential figures in American history.
Harriet Tubman Day was first established in the state of New York in 1990 and has since been recognized by several other states and the United States government. On this day, schools, libraries, and community organizations often hold events and programs to educate people about Tubman’s life and legacy, and to honour her contributions to American history and society.
Overall, Harriet Tubman Day is an important reminder of the enduring legacy of a remarkable woman who fought against slavery and oppression and worked tirelessly to promote freedom, justice, and equality for all people.
Event Information |
} March 10, 2025 |
Monday, 04:12 pm to 04:12 pm |
n History, People |
Event Organizer |