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International Rock Day

International Rock Day

International Rock Day is celebrated on July 13th and celebrates rocks and geological formations.

International Rock Day was established to promote awareness and appreciation of the geological wonders that make up our planet. It encourages people to get out and explore their local environment, learn about the rocks and geological formations that make up their surroundings, and appreciate the beauty and diversity of our planet’s natural features.

On this day, many geological societies and organizations hold events and activities to promote awareness of the geological wonders of the world. These can include guided tours of local rock formations, talks and lectures about geology, and educational activities for children.

International Rock Day is an opportunity for people to learn more about the world around them and to connect with the natural beauty of our planet. It is a day to appreciate the amazing geological features that make up our world and to encourage conservation efforts to preserve them for future generations.


Event Information

}  July 13, 2024
  Saturday, 12:04 am to 12:04 am
n  Fun Holidays, Nature & Environment

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