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Positive Media Day

Positive Media Day

Positive Media Day is an annual event observed on June 22nd that encourages people to share positive and uplifting stories, images, and messages through various forms of media. The day was created to counter the negativity and sensationalism often found in the media and to promote a more balanced and constructive view of the world.

The idea behind Positive Media Day is to showcase the power of positive media in inspiring, motivating, and uplifting individuals and communities. Positive media includes any content that highlights positive news, stories of human kindness, acts of generosity, inspiring achievements, and innovative solutions to social and environmental challenges.

By sharing positive media, people can help counter the negative and divisive narratives that dominate much of the media landscape, and promote a more hopeful and compassionate vision of the world. Positive media can also help improve people’s mental health and well-being by fostering feelings of connection, gratitude, and optimism.

Positive Media Day is celebrated through various online and offline activities, such as social media campaigns, events, and workshops. Participants are encouraged to share positive content using hashtags such as #PositiveMediaDay and #GoodNews.

The goal of Positive Media Day is not to ignore or downplay the challenges and problems of the world but to provide a more balanced and constructive view of the world that acknowledges both the struggles and the possibilities for positive change.


Event Information

}  June 22, 2023
  Thursday, 09:13 am to 09:13 am
n  Social Media Events, Social Media Ideas

Event Organizer

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