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Running Day

Running Day

Global Running Day, also known as National Running Day, is an annual celebration of running that takes place on the first Wednesday of June. The day was established in 2009 by the New York Road Runners Foundation to promote health and fitness through running and to encourage people of all ages and abilities to get active.

On Global Running Day, runners from around the world come together to celebrate the sport of running and to inspire others to join in. The day is marked by various events and activities, such as group runs, virtual races, and charity fundraisers. Many organizations and communities also use the day to raise awareness about the benefits of running and to encourage people to make running a part of their daily lives.

The goal of Global Running Day is to promote the physical, mental, and social benefits of running and to inspire people to lead healthier, more active lifestyles. Running is a simple and accessible form of exercise that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities, and the day serves as a reminder of the power of running to improve overall health and well-being.

Overall, Global Running Day is a celebration of the joy of running and the many benefits it offers, including improved fitness, reduced stress, and a sense of community and connection. It’s a day to lace up your running shoes and join in the fun, whether you’re a seasoned runner or just getting started.


Event Information

}  June 04, 2025
  Wednesday, 07:29 pm to 07:29 pm
n  Fun Holidays, Health & Wellbeing, Sports

Event Organizer

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