Showing all 651 results All Events Today This Week This Month This Year All CategoriesArts & EntertainmentBusinessEducation & AwarenessFoodFun HolidaysHealth & WellbeingHistoryMusicNature & EnvironmentPeopleQuotesReligionScience & TechnologySocial Media EventsSocial Media IdeasSportsTravelWorld Events Default Sorting Date: new to old Date: old to new Title: a-z Title: z-a Event Start Date : DESC Event Start Date : ASC Random Praline Day 24 June,2025 National Praline Day is an unofficial food holiday celebrated annually on June 24th. The praline is a type of candy made from nuts (usually pecans) and sugar syrup, sometimes combined with cream and/or butter. It has a sweet and nutty flavour, and a soft, creamy texture. The origins of the praline can be traced back […] World Vitiligo Day 25 June,2025 World Vitiligo Day is an annual event that is observed on June 25th to raise awareness about vitiligo, a skin condition that affects millions of people around the world. Vitiligo is a chronic and progressive skin disorder that causes the loss of pigment in the skin, resulting in patches of depigmentation. World Vitiligo Day was […] Please Take My Children To Work Day 25 June,2025 Please Take My Children to Work Day is celebrated on June 25 every year. It is a day when working parents can ask their partners or friends to take their children to work with them so that they can get a break from parenting and recharge. It is a great way to lower your stress […] Chocolate Pudding Day 26 June,2025 Chocolate Pudding Day is a holiday that celebrates one of America’s favourite desserts – chocolate pudding. Observed annually on June 26th, Chocolate Pudding Day is a time to indulge in this delicious, creamy treat and celebrate its history and cultural significance. Chocolate pudding has been a popular dessert in the United States for many years, […] Canoe Day 26 June,2025 Canoe Day is a holiday that celebrates the joy of canoeing and the natural beauty of the world’s waterways. It is typically observed on June 26th every year, although some organizations and groups may celebrate it on a different day. The origins of Canoe Day are unclear, but it is believed to have originated in […] National Sunglasses Day 27 June,2025 National Sunglasses Day is an annual holiday celebrated on June 27th in the United States. The holiday was created by The Vision Council, a non-profit trade association that represents the manufacturers and suppliers of the optical industry, to raise awareness about the importance of wearing sunglasses to protect the eyes from harmful UV rays. The […] Industrial Workers of The World Day 27 June,2025 Industrial Workers of the World Day, also known as IWW Day, is an annual holiday observed on June 27th in honour of the founding of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), a global union that was established in Chicago, Illinois in 1905. The IWW was a radical and revolutionary labour organization that sought to […] Orange Blossom Day 27 June,2025 Orange Blossom Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated on June 27th that honours the fragrant and delicate white flowers of the orange tree, known as orange blossoms. Orange blossoms are known for their sweet and citrusy scent, and they have been used in various cultures for their medicinal, culinary, and decorative properties. Orange Blossom Day […] Paul Bunyan Day 28 June,2025 Paul Bunyan Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated on June 28th that honours the legendary American folk hero Paul Bunyan. Paul Bunyan is a larger-than-life figure in American folklore, known for his enormous size, strength, and skill as a lumberjack. According to legend, he could fell a forest with a single swing of his axe, […] Insurance Awareness Day 28 June,2025 Insurance Awareness Day is an annual observance that takes place on June 28th to promote the importance of having insurance coverage and to encourage people to review their insurance policies to ensure that they have adequate coverage. The goal of Insurance Awareness Day is to educate individuals and businesses about the different types of insurance […] Farm Workers Day 28 June,2025 National Farm Workers Day is a holiday that is observed on the fourth Saturday in August every year in the United States. This day is dedicated to recognizing and honouring the hard work and sacrifices of farm workers, who are often underpaid and work long hours in difficult conditions. On National Farm Workers Day, people […] World Industrial Design Day 29 June,2025 World Industrial Design Day (WIDD) is an annual event celebrated on June 29th to promote the importance of industrial design in improving the quality of life for people around the world. The day was first established in 2007 by the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID). Industrial design is a field that focuses […] International Mud Day 29 June,2025 International Mud Day is an annual event celebrated on June 29th to encourage children and adults to connect with nature and engage in sensory play by playing with mud. The day was first celebrated in 2009 by the World Forum Foundation’s Nature Action Collaborative for Children. International Mud Day is a celebration of the joys […] Waffle Iron Day 29 June,2025 Waffle Iron Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated on June 29th that honours the waffle iron, a kitchen appliance used for making waffles. The waffle iron is a device that consists of two hinged plates that are heated and used to cook waffle batter until it forms a crispy, golden-brown waffle. Waffle Iron Day is […] Meteor Watch Day 30 June,2025 Meteor Watch Day is an annual event celebrated on June 30th that encourages people to observe and appreciate the beauty and wonder of meteors, also known as shooting stars. The day is an opportunity to learn more about meteor showers, their origins, and their significance in human culture. Meteor showers occur when the Earth passes […] Social Media Day 30 June,2025 Social Media Day is an annual event celebrated on June 30th to recognize the impact of social media on global communication and to promote the positive aspects of social media. The day was first celebrated in 2010 by the popular tech blog Mashable. Social Media Day is an opportunity for individuals, businesses, and organizations to […] Canada Day 01 July,2025 Canada Day is a national holiday in Canada that commemorates the anniversary of the enactment of the British North America Act, which united three British colonies into a single country called Canada on July 1, 1867. The day is also sometimes referred to as Canada’s birthday or Dominion Day. On Canada Day, many Canadians celebrate […] International Joke Day 01 July,2025 Jokes and laughter play an important role in our lives. They can help any situation and brighten our spirits. On July 1, take some time out of your day to recognize the important job humour plays in keeping stress at bay, building relationships, and bringing levity to a world that badly needs it. July 1 […] International Reggae Day 01 July,2025 International Reggae Day is an annual celebration held on July 1st to recognize and celebrate the musical and cultural impact of reggae music on the world. The day was first celebrated in Jamaica in 1994 and has since spread to become a global phenomenon. Reggae music originated in Jamaica in the late 1960s and is […] I Forgot Day 02 July,2025 National I Forgot Day is an unofficial holiday observed annually on July 2nd. It is a day to acknowledge and laugh about the small forgetful moments in our lives, like forgetting someone’s name, where you parked your car or even your own phone number. This day is a reminder to slow down and take a […] World Sports Journalists Day 02 July,2025 World Sports Journalists Day is an annual observance held on July 2nd to celebrate and recognize the important role of sports journalists in covering and reporting on sports events from around the world. The day was established by the International Sports Press Association (AIPS) in 1994 to honour the work of sports journalists who work […] World UFO Day 02 July,2025 World UFO Day is an annual event that is celebrated on July 2nd. It is a day dedicated to raising awareness about unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and extraterrestrial life. The day is marked by events and activities that are centred around the theme of UFOs and aliens. The origins of World UFO Day can be […] International Plastic Bag Free Day 03 July,2025 International Plastic Bag Free Day is a global observance that takes place annually on July 3rd. This day is dedicated to raising awareness about the harmful effects of single-use plastics on the environment and promoting ways to reduce plastic waste. Plastic is a versatile and convenient material that is widely used in our daily lives, […] Jackfruit Day 04 July,2025 Jackfruit Day aims to raise awareness of this delicious fruit and its potential to make a difference in the world. The jackfruit is a tropical fruit that is packed with nutrients and protein, making it a great meat replacement for those looking to reduce their meat intake. This fruit is relatively unknown throughout the world, […] 4 1 … 8 9 10 11 12 … 28 5